Noah's Ark Natural Animal Sanctuary (NANAS) | Amazing Animal Adventures

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Noah's Ark Natural Animal Sanctuary (NANAS)

Today, I would like to write about NANAS, a private animal shelter which began in Singapore and relocated to Pekan Nanas, Johor. This post will be the beginning of a series of post that I will be writing randomly on animal shelters in and around Malaysia, to try to divert public attention to their plight.

If you love animals, I am sure you know that keeping animals could be a costly affair. I believe that as a blogger, we have a duty towards society and we can, through blogging, create awareness to causes that are close to our hearts.

Noah's Ark Natural Animal Sanctuary is now home to a few hundred dogs and cats, including pedigree breeds, horses and monkeys and other animals. They have a sponsorship programme where animal lovers who could spare the cash but not the time could sponsor an animal or two.

I stumbled upon their Flickr stream while researching this post and I am really taken by the photos of these animals ion NANAS. I think that a good amount of these photos would make great iPhone wallpapers.

Noah's Ark Natural Animal Sanctuary (NANAS)
NANAS Flickr Stream


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