Art For Animals | Amazing Animal Adventures

Friday, March 28, 2008

Art For Animals

While surfing the internet for some inspiring animal stories, I chanced upon this website called Art Helping Animals. This is like a world community project where professional artists band together to paint animal art and sell or auction them off with proceeds going towards animal shelters and other non-profit animal organizations.

I tell you, I am very touched that there are people who willingly spare time and energy towards these abandoned animals in shelters and homes and believe me, it takes a lot of funds to run these shelters so every little bit helps.

I browsed through the blog which showcases new artwork by these contributing artists and I am pretty impressed with their talent and creativity. For people who are able to spare a little money, they could place bids on ongoing auctions on eBay or email the respective artists to buy the art pieces directly.

Sometimes an art piece may come with a story behind it and at times, the artist determined the percentage of proceeds going towards a specific charitable body. Since I am unable to provide any monetary support to Art Helping Animals, I thought that I would give them a little exposure here on my blog.


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